Mowing & Harvesting
The MB-F 209 cutter is easily attached to the front of the machine and its hydraulics. This double side cutting ESM Busati knife bar doesn’t require water for lubrication. Therefore it can also be used on shore, shallow waters and even marshlands.
The MB-F 209 has a powerful cutting capacity and could be used for thicker reeds.
Waterways and marshland sites don’t always get the attention they deserve. In some cases this results in an outbreak of noxious weeds, reeds and water plants which also alters the natural streaming.
In addition this can eventually cause environmental inconveniences:
Swamp-formation, plagues, decompositions, drainage problems, stinking water sources etc. Periodic maintenance by mowing and harvesting is essential.
- Typical sites for efficient appliances
- Natural parks and reservoirs
- Private and public ponds
- Marshland and River effluents
MB-F 209
Weight: 149 lbs.
Width: 7 ft.”
Depth: 0 – 2,4 ft. depending on shaft length ordered as special.
MB-F 209 is able to work without any water lubrication. Therefor suitable to work on shore as well.
MB-F 1700
Weight: 145 lbs.
Width: 6 ft.
Depth: 0 – 2 ft.
The MB-F 1700 has the same type of knives as the MB-F 209 and is able to work without any water lubrication. Therefor suitable to work on shore as well.
MB-F 409
Weight: 165 lbs.
Width: 7 ft. up to 10 ft. (13 ft. up on request)
Depth: 0- 5 ft.
The MB-F-409 cutter bar has single acting knives and needs water for lubrication, therefore recommended to use this cutter only in water, and for cutting water plants.
MB-FV 70
MB-FV 70 is able to work without any water lubrication. Therefor suitable to work through thicker water plant beds.
Weight: 90 lbs.
Width: 7 ft.”
Depth: 0 – 2,4 ft.
A standard Collecting rake, the MB-R350, can be extended from 7 ft. to 11 ft. and can be used for gathering and transporting all cut materials (water plants). If required, one could also place a net or thin steel plates with drainage holes in the rack to enable collection of algae, rubbish or attachment of oil spill absorbers.
The HIGH TIP Collecting rake can collect waste, algea, floating debris, and absorbents (oil spill cleanup). Facilitates discharge to a trailer or a container.
Raking (upon request)
The MR-R209 rake can be used when there is cut material lying on the shore area. It helps to rake the plants and material into the water where they can be collected with the standard collecting rake.
Appliance for the Collecting rake
The speedy collection of the cut water plants is very important. Perhaps just as important as cutting. If they are left in the water, they will become a fertilizer for other organisms. It is therefore advised that they be taken out as soon as possible.
MB-R 350 collecting rake
Width: un-foldable up to approx. 11 ft.
Weight: 187 lbs.
MB-R 209 sweeping rake
Width: 7 ft.
Weight: 66 lbs.
High TIP Rake
The HIGH TIP Collecting rake can collect waste, algea, floating debris, and absorbents (oil spill cleanup). Facilitates discharge to a trailer or a container.
Width: approx. 6,5 ft.
Lift height on land: approx. 5,9 ft.
Lift height on water: approx. 4,2 ft.
Heavy Duty Collecting Rake
Heavy Duty Collecting Rake
The Heavy Duty Collecting Rake is designed in such a way that it can be used whilst opening Beaver dams.
Width: approx. 7 ft